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First lets start out by stating that ALL issues should be reported here

What should be in the issue?

When you create an issue in the repository for HACS, you start by selecting a template.

All templates have a defined structure and it is expected that you follow it.

Issues that are missing required information can (will) be closed.


This should only be used, when there is grounds for removing (blacklisting) a repository in HACS.

When you are flagging a repository you need to supply at least these:

  • A good description for why.
  • The name of the repository.
  • Proof that you have tried to contact the owner of that repository (link to issue)

If you are flagging it because you don't like it, have issues with it, or it's not working, you should report that to the repository and not here.


You use this when you have issues with HACS.

To enable debug logs for HACS (required when adding an issue) have a look here.

Logs are more then just errors, with debug logging it gives the person investigating the issue a full picture of what happened.

What an issue should contain depends on the type, but at least:

  • A GOOD description of the issue.
  • Debug logs.
  • Steps to reproduce the issue.
  • If the issue is in the UI, add screenshots.
  • Diagnostics

You can see examples of good/bad issues further down on this page.


Issues that are missing required information can (will) be closed.


oh... and almost forgot... latest is NOT a version.


This is a collection of good/bad issues.

Examples of bad issues

Yes the issue was blank it only had a header 'CCH Settings'

Version of HACS
Describe the bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

Debug log

Add your logs here.
The description of the issue only contained the template but it had a header 'Blows up on update.'

Version of HACS
Describe the bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

Debug log

Add your logs here.
The description of the issue only contained the template but it had a header 'zod'

[Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)] Restore Failed!
11:51 AM custom_components/hacs/hacsbase/ (CRITICAL)
I checked and it exactly how its supposed to be
even replaced the whole hacs folder with a fresh download

Examples of good issues

Good issues have too much text to extract it (some also have screenshots) but here is a few links:

Last words

The more time/words/examples you put in your issue, the faster someone can see/understand what you mean.